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Nevada Homeschooling

Under Nevada Law (NRS 388.010 - 388.070) parents choosing to homeschool take full responsibility for the education of the child while the child is being homeschooled”,  without public funding. A homeschool parent legally directs the education of the child by choosing the curriculum, facilitating the educational process, and determining the academic needs, including promotion to the next grade level, of the child. Thus, accountability for the child’s education is to the parent, who in turn may be accountable to a court of law if required to do so.

Notice of intent

• Required if your child is enrolled in a Nevada public school or once they turn 6 years old
• You MUST officially withdraw your child from the public school.
• You have 10 days after withdrawing your child to submit the Notice of Intent & Education Plan
• You must re-file only if you move or your child reentered a public, private, or charter school.

The Notice of Intent is only notifying the school district that you have chosen to homeschool. It is not a request. You are not asking permission to home school.

You can find a Notice of Intent that conforms to the law HERE 

Education Plan

• NRS 388D.050  does not specify the contents of the educational plan beyond subject listings.
• The parent is not required to ensure that each subject area is taught each year.
• The educational plan must not be used in any manner as a basis for denial of a notice of intent to homeschool if it includes the above requirements.

Tips on how to compose an Educational Plan of Instruction can be found HERE
Sample Education Plan can be found HERE

Clark County Mailing Address for NOI

[email protected] OR

Homeschool Office
4204 Channel 10 Drive
Las Vegas, NV 89119

Homeschool families ARE required to:

• File a Notice of Intent & Education Plan.
• Keep a copy of “Acknowledgement of Receipt” for records.
• Teach subjects: English language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies including history, geography, economics, and government when appropriate for the age and at the level of skill of the child as determined by the parent.
• Take full responsibility for paying for and providing an education
• Homeschool parents decide graduation requirements and provide a homeschool diploma and transcript to their child.

Homeschool families DO NOT have requirements for:

• Number of attendance days or minutes per day
• Immunization records
• Grades and/or testing
• Recordkeeping, but it is recommended that families keep reasonably good records. 
• Curriculum Accreditation
• Education level of the parent
• Providing equivalent instruction as the public schools

What does taking full responsibility look like?

Providing an education means the parent may:

• Do their own teaching
• Use others (such as a tutor, relative, etc.) or have the child take classes (such as at a homeschool co-op, a private or public school, a civic or community group, a private organization, etc.)
• Use a private correspondence school
• Use an online course or courses
• Anything else the parent deems appropriate

Good to Know

Homeschooling is legal in all 50 states

Nevada has 3 education options:

  • Homeschool - paid for and directed by parents
  • Public/charter school - paid for and directed by the government; both online or in a brick & mortar building
  • Private school - paid for by parents, directed by the school; is a local, licensed school

Online public/charter school students are public school students since they are enrolled in the school.

Nevada Homeschoolers can participate in public school classes, special education, sports, extracurricular or interscholastic activities, and events. 

Must file a Notice of Intent to Participate each year a child participates in public school sports, classes, activities, etc. 

Can receive college credit for high school (dual enrollment)

Can qualify for NV Millennium Scholarship & Promise Scholarship *rules apply

Homeschool advocates work hard so we can remain free to homeschool however we choose by ensuring we continue to be a separate educational alternative to public school without government funding or regulation.

More information and an in-depth explanation of Nevada Homeschool Laws can be found at the Nevada Homeschool Network website.

No Accreditation Required

Accreditation, or lack thereof, will not affect a student’s ability to:

• Graduate high school with a homeschool diploma
• Attend college
• Apply for jobs